HELP! Looking for Word Search Enthusiasts to test my new word search puzzles. I added a few new puzzle shapes to my GeoWordBlox group and seek testers for feedback.
I need feedback on:
1. The number of words in the puzzle -- too many, too few, just right?
2. The number of geometric shapes -- too many, too few, just right?
3. Do the shapes make sense when searching for them in the letter grid?
4. What difficulty level would you give the puzzle?
That's all I can think of at the moment. These puzzles are not for the faint of heart. They are more challenging than the average word search puzzle. Really. If you think you have what it takes, send me an email at (copy & paste) stating you're interested in testing and I will be in touch with additional information. TIA!
Until next time! Peace. ✌🏻
-- Teri