A really nice care package was delivered to me a few days before Valentine's Day. Among the thoughtful items was a Bible Word Search book. It sat on my dining room table for a couple weeks before I flipped through it. This particular puzzle book contained passages from the Bible with several of the words highlighted in the passage as the words hidden in the letter grid.
I jumped on the Internet. After researching A LOT of puzzle books, I found that a few of the Bible based word search books were formatted like the one I had with a passage and words pulled from it for the puzzle, but NONE of the other books were like it. ALL of the other word search books were the same: letter grid with a list of words below or on the side. Some had images of the the puzzle's subject, some had hidden messages and some were more artistic with a colorable background image...but, the grids and lists were still the same.
A light bulb appeared over my head (really!). That's when I decided to give it a try. I had no idea what I was doing or how I'd accomplish it, but I figured it out and just started writing short, mini stories. It's a lot of fun writing nonsensical stories.
I'm at about the 95%-finished-with-the-stories stage, but still have a great deal of editing. Hope to be finished about the third week of May for an early June publication. I'll keep you posted!
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