I believe anyone who works on a personal project for a while comes to think of it as their "baby". I sure did. And that EVERYONE in the world will believe it's the greatest thing on earth and will want it because they need it. Again...🙋♀️ But who actually NEEDS a puzzle book?? LOL
So far, no "real" sales yet (my sister and I don't count), and of course, you can't rank unless you sell and you can't sell unless you rank. Reviews also help you rank, but then again, you can't get reviews to help you rank higher until you sell. Ranking on Amazon is of ultimate importance. It's how the Amazon algorithm works it's magic and puts you in front of their millions of buyers. But when there's hundreds of thousands of competing books that all want to be front and center, well...
I know eventually my book will sell; I figure it'll eventually be seen. But marketing is what will make the difference. Unfortunately, marketing isn't one of my strong points. Though I understand the concept and need for it, it's the content that has me lacking. Creating the ads for marketing is tricky for me. Not sure why though. 🤔 Guess that's when you hire someone to do it for you, right??
So, that brings me to Book 2. I started doing some research and working out the stories. What I wrote above has me thinking...maybe I should hire someone to do my marketing?? What a concept! Hmmmm...and looking for a professional marketer now in these early book stages would give me the opportunity to find someone I like and can work with. Other than the cost, it couldn't hurt! LOL As the saying goes, you have to spend money to make money. 😱
Hmmmm... something to think about...
Till next time!
-- Teri